
in•spi•ra•tion noun \,in(t)-spa-'ra-shan, -(,)spi-\ a : a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation   b : the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions   c : the act of influencing or suggesting opinions

i have been an henri matisse addict since my childhood when i began collecting books of his works. i have a print of christmas eve [the tall thin one] i got for my birthday one year. the large mosaic at the bottom called apollo hangs in the toledo museum of art [which is where i am from] and the painting odalisque is just gorgeous. she not only looks comfortable on her bean bag chair but matisse's use of warm/hot colors is verrrry appealing to me! i always find i love flipping through his works!

Another childhood obsession of mine was summer camp [some of the kids on the scrolling banners were in my cabin.. and if you look closely you just might notice one of those counselors]! although i am no longer involved in camp, it will always remind me of summers and then amazing people i met while i was there. to me there is nothing more inspiring than the sky on a clear michigan night!

after working on a freshman english project creating our own 'post secret' project i have found this to be one of the first things i do on a saturday night/sunday morning. sure some of the secrets are morbid, but this whole process is just amazing to me.. check it out if you aren't addicted yet!

bonnaroo is my favorite time of year. it is the week before my birthday and my family and friends and i caravan together to the middle of nowhere tennessee to hang out in our bathing suits not showering eating mac'n'cheese and ramen noodles for four days while we rock our hearts out! the first time i went with my dad and a friend, it changed my world. for the 2010 festival we had nine cars of people lined up for our group alone. the music is amazing, the art is amazing, the people are insanely amazing! check out rokoko, they are always an interesting tent to check out [their feet signs are my favorite!!]