Wednesday, February 16, 2011


looking for an apartment is crazy.. this weekend i will be packing up about half of my life to go to atlanta for cereal! my aunt and uncle are being really awesome and letting me hang out for a while, but it will be nice to actually settle in somewhere. my mom and i spent the morning booking appointments so we can look around a few places, and then discovered that our list for sunday included all the properties that are closed on sundays! who knew that just trying to go see places is so hectic.. hopefully we'll be able to re-schedule a few so we can check out as many places as possible. off to go through my wardrobe to decide what to pack and what to chuck!

Friday, February 11, 2011

jobby job time!

i go into world50 for my next round of interviews and actually had a great time. the people are great (those i met at least!) and everyone was surprisingly easy to talk to, i am usually so nervous in interviews i start talking circles, but it went well and i only verbally stumbled a few times! after a few hours of discussions and learning about the company they asked me to join their team! i am extremely excited and think it will be an awesome experience! atlanta here i come...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


i have been severely neglecting my poor little bloggy! since savannah i had an interview with jhm hotels, spent a week with jon, and had another interview in atlanta. columbus [which is where fort benning is located] is an interesting town with a downtown that has a lot of potential. jon recieved his blue cord and graduated from ibolc. yayyy! we went to a really tasty thai restaurant to celebrate on night. then it was one of the girls birthdays on friday, so a group of us went to atlanta and had dinner at mary mac's tea room and it was a-ma-zing. then we went to a very cool place called the porter beer bar. also a great atmosphere. saturday we had crab and steak, which i actually ate and loved! jon and i made burgers for the super bowl, and i was extremely sad that the stillers lost :( monday night i stayed with my cousins in atlanta, and interviewed with world50 this morning. thursday i'll be heading back to atlanta and who knows what the weekend will bring!

Monday, January 24, 2011


this weekend we took a little road trip to see ole bex. she and bono live in savannah in the most amazing apartment ever. we had an absolute ball. the city is just adorable and it seemed there were many young people [because of scad being all huge there and whatnot] which made the entire atmosphere lively. we met some great people who work for scad and by the end of our little adventure we were about ready to glue ourselves to beckman's floor so we wouldn't have to leave! check out the view from her balcony...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


this morning my mom got shoulder surgery. she kept telling me how its no big deal and its outpatient, yaddah yaddah yaddah. so she gets out of the operation and can barely talk she is so drugged up. as she begins to awake she realizes that she can no longer feel her arm. [the doctors put a block on it that will wear off during the night] she can not only not feel the arm, but she has no control over it whatsoever! at physical therapy shes freaking out because when she thinks her arm is one place she looks up and realizes that its really above her head. as amusing as this was, the funniest moment of this experience to date was while we were sitting on the couch. i had propped her arm up [doctors orders!] at a ninety degree angle, and when i moved the pillow so I could rearrange her to stretch her arm again her arm fell. right on her face. it scared her [because she didn't know what had hit her] so much that she screamed! as much as surgery is not fun. the shoulder block has been increasingly amusing!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


this weekend i headed out to columbus georgia to go check out good ole fort benning. jon had a nice four day weekend so i got to check out the area he lives and had my first real base experience. it was a nice and relaxing weekend, and there was some pretty cool places to go in columbus. we had an awesome dinner at this mongolian grille called mongos, it was sooo tasty! the major downside: it's about a million miles into the middle of nowhere!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

atlanta aquarium

yesterday i took jon back to atlanta to get his car since he bussed straight to south carolina. we wanted to go to the high museum to see the dalí exhibit, but museums are closed on mondays. boooo. i guess i'll just have to go back this weekend before it closes! instead we ended up going to the georgia aquarium, which was just as cool as everyone says it is! the colors and patterns of the fish were amazing.. a great alternative for dalí!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

happy new year!

happy new year everyone! this year a group of my friend convened in charlotte to cheer on the tigers [who ended up losing the bowl game, but we still had fun anyway]  and celebrate the new year with clemson pals! the weekend was pretty eventful and we met many of our friends new work buddies. before we went to celebrate, i had three days to quickly make up a cooler for jon for the weekend. luckily his flight was delayed and he had to take a bus from new york to charlotte [okay lucky for me not him!] so i had a few extra days to finish up the painting. i didnt quite finish the camo on the top as you can see below...

but the tiger eyes on one of the sides turned out much better than i had expected.

now that the holidays are over it is time to buckle down and start job searching again! tomorrow i am taking jon back to atlanta, and will see the dalí exhibit at the high museum...