Thursday, January 20, 2011


this morning my mom got shoulder surgery. she kept telling me how its no big deal and its outpatient, yaddah yaddah yaddah. so she gets out of the operation and can barely talk she is so drugged up. as she begins to awake she realizes that she can no longer feel her arm. [the doctors put a block on it that will wear off during the night] she can not only not feel the arm, but she has no control over it whatsoever! at physical therapy shes freaking out because when she thinks her arm is one place she looks up and realizes that its really above her head. as amusing as this was, the funniest moment of this experience to date was while we were sitting on the couch. i had propped her arm up [doctors orders!] at a ninety degree angle, and when i moved the pillow so I could rearrange her to stretch her arm again her arm fell. right on her face. it scared her [because she didn't know what had hit her] so much that she screamed! as much as surgery is not fun. the shoulder block has been increasingly amusing!!

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