Thursday, October 14, 2010

bloggers block

every once in a while everyone must battle writer's block.. or in this case, blogger's block [dun dun dunnnn]!!! for me, the writer's block is easy to push through seeing as i have been an avid journal keeper since i was a teenager, but blogging, this is a new media for me to be dabbling in! so i have decided that if the only thing that is 'on my mind' is work, that i will begin to post a little bit about what i am doing over here in good 'ole swizty... because let's face it, there is a lot happenin' at icon worldwide and seeing as that is the whole purpose of this trip, it is often on my mind! [in a good way of course] so check back this week for some of the fun projects i've been working on...

sidenote: i neeeeed to get ryan's help fixing the background and whatnot of this thing! it's driving me crazy how off it is!!

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