Saturday, October 9, 2010


so i woke up yesterday and for some unknown reason i had to listen to sparks it was just on my mind [i have no idea why]

so in my obsession i begin making genius playlists so that i don't get sick of the song itself, and get a bit of variety [also because pandora only works in the states] unfortunately a majority the songs that are coming up are ones that i don't care for.. for this i need my sara to swoop in and rescue me from certain musical doom. sara is my best friend and our itunes accounts have been linked since before there was an itunes [we swapped CDs and those awkward mini disc players]. unfortunately sara is busy in ann arbor at the michigan football game, so i have no access to her musical treasury until she returns. this means i am going to have to use itunes suggestion column to bully me into purchasing music that i have access to. lovin' it!

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