Saturday, November 6, 2010

swiss addictions

this weekend jen and i did some hanging out with our new swiss freunde.. they met us at the bahnhof and we walked to this bar that had a bunch of music videos playing on the screens. it was pretty cool. our work friend anina [who we have dubbed neenster] met us, but couldn't come in because she was too young. that was sad, but she didn't work this week so we were glad we got to see her a bit! after we had enough of that bar the group trouped over to the bierhof, the wonderful bar from last weekend! for some reason this particular establishment does a great job at getting the best of jen and i. all of a sudden it was 3:30 and we had missed the last train, and the next one wasn't until 5! so after futzing around for a while longer we ended up crashing on one of our new friends couches and having to bus/train back to gais in the morning. it was quite an adventure! while waiting in st. gallen for our train back to gais, we decided to make a quick stop into mcdonalds. i didn't even realize how much i missed those fries until i ate the first one. jen got this fabulous mcflurry with ovomaltine. which is ovaltine. they make chocolate bars that i have fallen addict to, and now my newest addiction is the mcflurry. it was heaven. we have already checked the mcdonalds site to make sure we can get one on our way home next time! [we also set an alarm for when the last train is that way we can stop having this timing issue!]

so once we finally made it back to good 'ole gais we were exhausted! we had planned on going to munich but we both really needed to get a few hours of sleep before anything was decided! by the time we got ourselves situated and hopped over to the denner so we wouldn't starve it was basically pointless to go all that was to just turn around, since we weren't planning to stay the night anyway. tomorrow after the gym we are going to day trip to lindau though. so after planning this [and a few other trips we're interested in taking that won't break the bank] i somehow managed to get pulled into modcloth. and i discovered they have a blog. except its like a super blog and is fabulous. chances are it will be entertaining me for years at this point! also it is making me very excited to hit up the salvation army again this week.. thursday hurry up and get here!!!!

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