Friday, November 26, 2010

thanksgiving [swiss style]

last night we chowed down on some raclette for thanksgiving. because thanksgiving is not celebrated here [which i was asked more than once how the day was celebrated in switzy!]lori and jon decided to cook us a traditional swiss dinner. it was amazing! i thought i loved fondue, but raclette may have taken the cake on my favorite swiss dish. partially because there was garlic cheese. it's like combining my two favorite things and saying 'hey, go pour this on your favorite starch'. it is literally a thick slice of cheese that is heated in these little trays [everyone gets one tray] until it bubbles and then it is scraped off onto a boiled potato that you can slice, mash, add meat [traditionally horse, but they got just normal thinly sliced beef for us], pickles, pickled onions, spices, anything you want! after stuffing ourselves on the fabulous food steffan took us home and we were down for the count!

today at work [being that christmas officially starts the day after thanksgiving] i got to make a few versions of christmas cards for one of our clients! they wanted their heads to appear in the christmas ornaments, so i created two versions. one that was pretty straightforward and what they had asked for, and my own take that is a little more cheerful [and i think americanized] and animated. i hope they enjoy both and i cannot wait to see which they choose!

the card on the left is the original one they requested, and the card on the right is the one that i came up with as am alternative [but i thought the wreaths were similar to ornaments since they both hang!] i also get to start working on a new project for rare disease day, creating their fliers/posters that will be used to attract visitors and build the brand of the event. definitely looking forward to working on that project. christmas rush come and get us!!

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